Czech Republic

Learn more about our Czech Republic operations below. To enquire about any of our Czech Republic services please contact us.

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Czech Republic is is known for its strategic geographical location in the heart of Europe, making it an ideal base for companies seeking access to European markets. 

The Czech Republic has sustained consistent economic growth in recent years, primarily driven by the automotive, manufacturing, pharmaceutical and information technology sectors. This growth is further bolstered by an open and export-oriented economy. The Czech Republic is a major producer of automobiles, with companies such as Škoda Auto a.s., subsidiary of Volkswagen Group, and Hyundai Motor Manufacturing Czech, subsidiary of South Korean company, leading the industry. 

Czech Republic is well known for highly educated, skilled and cheap workforce, with a strong emphasis on technical education and expertise. This skilled labor pool is attractive to foreign investors mostly from technological sector looking for talents to support their operations. The Czech Republic is also precious for its business-friendly policies, low corporate tax rates and reduced amount of bureaucracy.

The Czech Republic is a member of the European Union enabling businesses to trade freely with other EU member states and benefit from EU funding programs.

Our Services

Vistra Czech Republic & Slovakia is the ideal partner for international and multinational corporations seeking to establish or expand their presence in the Czech Republic or Slovakia. We are focusing strongly on innovation, digitalization, integrity, and client’s satisfaction, to make our clients feel doing the global business borderless and frictionless. 

Our comprehensive suite of services is designed to guide companies through its entire operating cycle, from market entry and company establishment to eventual liquidation. We assist with the incorporation of legal entities, procure essential trade licenses, and oversee all necessary tax and regulatory registrations. As an exclusive service we offer a nominee director services, enhancing local operations and corporate governance for our foreign clients. 

On a recurring basis, we assist our clients comply with local accounting & tax rules, as well as with the local HR and payroll regulations. Our services are customized to meet the unique needs of each client, including the seamless conversion of local accounting data into easily consolidated group information and management reporting. 

With our seasoned teams of local experts, we have been successfully supporting the world known brands for over a decade. 


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