Vistra Malta to Raise Money for the Organ Donation Unit at Malta General Hospital

26 April 2018
Vistra Malta is proud to announce, that in conjunction with the Hilton Malta and Maltese artist Alan Azzopardi, they will hold a philanthropic event. The purpose of the event, which will be held on 26 April, is to raise awareness about organ donations and to raise funds for the donation unit at the general hospital in Malta.

Alan Azzopardi, artist and designer, who is also one of Vistra Malta’s suppliers, started losing the sight in his right eye four years ago. With thanks to an organ donation, Alan is well on his way to recovery.

Vistra Malta has commissioned 12 charcoal drawings from Alan, with the understanding that he donates part of the proceeds to the charity. Vistra Malta will double his donations.

The Hilton Malta agreed to sponsor the event so that all donations received will go directly towards the cause.

A further meeting was held with the CEO and the Clinical Director at Mater Dei, Malta’s general hospital, where it was concluded that 70% of the donations will go towards sponsoring eye banks, which store eyes for cornea transplants and research. The cost for each cornea can be on average €700. 30% will also be donated to the Office of the Superintendence Public Health to help them to continue to increase awareness for organ donation.

Collections are well underway and the final amount will be announced after the event.

To find out more about Alan Azzopardi and his cause, click here.
