Vistra Jersey Manages Seroussi Foundation’s Donation to Smiling Gecko

5 October 2017

Vistra Jersey are delighted to have managed an initial donation of US$250,000 from the Seroussi Foundation towards the fantastic work of Smiling Gecko in Cambodia – particularly in the area of child education. 

Smiling Gecko was established in 2012 as a not-for-profit association by the Zurich based artist/photographer Hannes Schmid and lawyer Dominique Ruetimann who, over the course of several years, maintained many private and professional ties with Asia. 

Since the middle of the last century, Cambodia has been ravaged by decades of civil war and suffered terribly during the Vietnam war and the terror regime of the Khmer Rouge. As a consequence, Cambodia is now one of the poorest countries in the world. In its capital Phnom Penh alone, tens of thousands of children live on the streets, suffering hunger, illness and abuse. To provide these children and their families with a life in decency, Smiling Gecko provides help on the ground.

The Seroussi Foundation, established by the late Edouard and Jacqueline Seroussi, is focused on tackling child poverty and supporting youth education around the world. As specialists in the creation and operation of charitable foundations, Vistra manages the ongoing administration of the Seroussi Foundation and the philanthropic causes it supports.

Find out more about Smiling Gecko here
