Vistra Bloodwise Jersey Kids’ Triathlon 2018

12 June 2018
The Vistra Bloodwise Jersey Kids’ Triathlon took place at the weekend and we were proud to be the headline sponsor for the second year running.

The Triathlon returned for its sixth year and was held on Saturday 9 June to raise valuable funds for Bloodwise (formerly the Leukaemia and Lymphoma Research charity). 

The event focused on fun and encouraged children aged 6-13, of all abilities, to experience Triathlon as a junior sporting event. There were no winners or losers, just a lot of achievers.

There were a record number of participants with 530 children taking part in this year’s event.

Every participant received a goody bag full of surprises including; a Vistra reusable water bottle, a Vistra t-shirt, a pair of Vistra sunglasses, and a medal!

We opted for reusable water bottles this year instead of the single use bottles that have been used previously in a bid to drive down the amount of plastic waste that ends up in the ocean each year. 

You can view the official event photographs here
