Top 10 webinars of 2020

15 December 2020
After a year of uncertainty, one thing is clear: the impact of the pandemic and other geopolitical and economic shifts can be felt on a global scale. To help you navigate these turbulent times, we’ve selected 10 of our most popular webinars from this year. Each provides important information and expert recommendations so you can lower risk and seize a world of opportunity in 2021 and beyond:
Webinar 1
VAT 101: The basics of indirect tax

If your organization operates abroad or is considering expanding internationally, you need to understand and follow the indirect tax laws of each country of operation. This webinar covers the basic principles of VAT so your organization can ask the right questions to lower its indirect tax risks.

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Webinar 2
Doing business in Germany 

Germany is a world economic power that continues to attract foreign investors. In this webinar, our experts explain what multinationals should consider before expanding into Germany, from legal entity options to commonly overlooked employer obligations.

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Webinar 3
Compliance considerations when managing a global remote workforce

In this presentation, our experts tell you what to consider when employing remote workers in another country, so you can lower your compliance risks while retaining your valued employees.    

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Webinar 4
Promoting sound corporate governance to reduce global risk: A round table discussion

Three of our most distinguished experts explain the most important elements of corporate governance, including what multinationals need to consider now to lower operational risks and create a competitive advantage for the future. 

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Webinar 5
Economic substance health check for multinational companies

If your organization has a legal presence in low-tax jurisdictions outside the EU, you need to understand and comply with economic substance laws. This webinar provides a foundation for giving your multinational organization an economic substance health check so you can protect your bottom line, your directors and your reputation.

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Webinar 6
The state of BEPS now: From Country-by-country reporting to Pillars One and Two

Tax authorities around the world are implementing various BEPS measures, and any business with cross-border activities — including cross-border digital commerce activity — must adapt. In this webinar, our tax experts tell you exactly what you need to know about the BEPS project. 

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Webinar 7
CFO Podcast: Why legal entity rationalisations are more important than ever 

In this podcast, our experts explain what’s involved in a legal entity rationalization, what kinds of companies typically benefit from them, and why they’ll likely become even more commonplace in the future.  

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Webinar 8
The Hong Kong Limited Partnership Fund Regime

The Hong Kong Limited Partnership Fund Regime (HKLPF) ushers in a competitive fund structure that's faster, cheaper and more efficient to operate and maintain than those of other jurisdictions. This webinar explains HKPLF in more detail, including key features of the regime and important tax considerations that asset managers need to be aware of.  

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Webinar 9
Manage your HR Operation in China through COVID-19 -Best Practices

For companies that have offices in China, business operations have been undoubtedly impacted by the pandemic, and there are rising concerns and questions about ensuring employees’ health and safety while ensuring business continuity. This webinar provides a comprehensive and practical way on how business can address HR related issues during COVID-19. 

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Webinar 10
What you need to know for a long-term successful IPO

The journey of transforming a private company into a public company listed on the Hong Kong Stock Exchange (HKEX) is challenging. In this webinar, we tell you what you need to know before going public, including key legal, accounting and tax considerations. 

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