Tax breaks with Vistra: A webinar mini-series

11 August 2020
Our first ever webinar mini-series was designed to help you stay up-to-date with some of the most important tax-related measures that every business with U.S. operations needs to be aware of.

In this webinar mini-series, our experts will summarize some of the most important tax measures that every business with U.S. operations needs to be aware of. They’ll also include information about recent legislative changes that could impact your organization. Each session will cover one tax-related topic in under twenty minutes, so you can quickly and conveniently equip yourself with the information necessary to keep your business strong. 

Here are the four sessions we will host:

  1. The basics of U.S. sales tax for multinational businesses
    August 11, 2020 | 1PM EDT | 6PM BST

    Watch on-demand



    Many of our clients and prospects who are based outside the U.S. but have activities here are surprised by the nature and complexity of the U.S. state sales tax regimes. In fact, sales tax requirements on businesses not only vary by state, they differ significantly from similar requirements found in other countries throughout the world. In this tax break, we’ll cover:

    • The difference between sales tax and VAT
    • Common factors that may create a nexus in U.S. states that have a sales tax
    • How to determine if you’ve created nexus in a U.S. state
    • Frequently asked question
      Presented by:
      Tax basics
  2. Neglecting IRS Form 5472 can cost multinationals a bundle
    August 13, 2020 | 1PM EDT | 6PM BST

    Watch on-demand



    Form 5472 is an information-only form many multinationals must send the IRS along with their U.S. tax return if they engage in a reportable transaction during the tax period. Those who fail to complete and submit the form on time now face stiff penalties. We'll discuss:


    • What constitutes a reportable transaction
    • Why many non-US companies often run into difficulties with Form 5472
    • How to request an abatement
    • Frequently asked questions
      Presented by:
      form 5472
  3. Complying with FATCA
    August 18, 2020 | 1PM EDT | 6PM BST

    Watch on-demand



    The Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act (FATCA) is a U.S. federal law that aims to prevent U.S. corporations and individuals from sheltering assets in foreign accounts for the purposes of avoiding or evading paying U.S. taxes. Failure to comply can result in hefty penalties, account freezes and, in extreme cases, criminal prosecution. In this power session, we'll cover:


    • Short history of FATCA
    • Who must comply
    • What information must be reported
    • Important deadlines to be aware of
    • Frequently asked questions
      Presented by:
  4. Expatriate tax today ​​​​​
    August 20, 2020 | 1PM EDT | 6PM BST

    Watch on-demand



    Deploying and maintaining talent around the world is a critical priority for multinational companies. Driven by globalization, global mobility is an increasingly important component of maintaining market competitiveness, whether for expanding to a new country, sourcing the right talent or ensuring workforce diversity. However, those employers that choose to send employees overseas must navigate a common set of challenges with regard to properly managing their expats, and the stakes are higher than ever. In this timely quick-hitter, our experts will discuss:
    • The definition of expatriate tax and why it’s important
    • Current expatriate tax best practices
    • Pitfalls to avoid and blind-spots to be aware of
    • Current developments and trends in our ever-changing global economy
    • How expatriate tax fits into the greater global expansion requirements of an international company
      Presented by:
      expat tax

