Sylvia Piton on succession planning for wealthy Brazilian families

12 November 2020
Sylvia Piton, a Brazilian lawyer and trust specialist from our Vistra Zürich office (Brazil team) recently shared her expertise with the leading Brazilian wealth planning magazine, 'Seu Patrimônio – Editora B18'.

Sylvia Piton from our Vistra Zürich office was recently invited by the editor of 'My Heritage' magazine (or 'Meu Patrimônio' in Portuguese) to share her expertise and insights on the common challenges wealthy Brazilian families face with probates in offshore jurisdictions.

"An analysis to consider the best jurisdiction to set-up a structure involves many considerations and trade-offs. It’s a complex exercise to undertake even in a smooth running environment”, Sylvia commented.

She added that "Brazilian families not familiar with international legislations, are increasingly planning in advance in order to mitigate complications when succession events are triggered". Joint Tenancy with Survivorship and the classic Trust are the two more common structures used by these families, and Sylvia discussed the pros and cons for each of these solutions.

Read the original article in Portuguese here in the November edition, or find out how we can seize opportunities for your family here.
