Sherrie Dai Featured in Wealth Management Magazine

12 November 2018
Wealth Management magazine in China recently conducted an in-depth interview with Sherrie Dai, Managing Director of Vistra China, following three award wins by Vistra and Sherrie presented by the publication.

Titled “Being the trust, fund administration and corporate services provider that understands clients’ needs the most”, Sherrie shared Vistra China’s expertise and capabilities in setting up cross-border structures and her perspective on the development of the wealth management industry. She also shared about Vistra China’s future development strategies.

Sherrie commented that as the market evolves, Vistra China is looking to develop more business opportunities on overseas family trusts, Hong Kong IPO, and the Belt and Road initiative.

Last month, Vistra China was awarded “Best Offshore Financial Institution” and “Best Case of Wealth Structuring”, while Sherrie Dai was named “Distinguished Woman of the Year in Wealth Management World” at the Wealth APAC International Private Wealth Management China Awards 2018 held in Shanghai.


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