Managing funds through a crisis: How to act for today and prepare for tomorrow

16 June 2020
Managing funds through disruption so you can create a competitive advantage in the future

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June 16, 2020 | 11AM EDT | 4PM BST

Our global economy is changing daily, and investors and funds are being affected in different ways and at different times. The hard truth is that no one knows how fund-related risks will evolve in the coming months, but fund managers and investors can’t lose sight of their long-term goals as they navigate through these disruptions.

Vistra works with clients using a unique three-phase approach that mitigates the economic, operational and regulatory risks funds are facing now and will continue to face in the coming months. We call it Act, Recover and Thrive:

Act: Manage your fund through disruption

Recover: Strengthen and rebuild operations and your financial position

Thrive: Create competitive advantage for the upturn

This webinar will explore options and solutions available to funds and investors throughout each phase of this cycle, highlighting where advisory and administrative support can help you manage disruption and create a competitive advantage for the future. 


