Guernsey Green Finance Initiative Launch

7 February 2019
Last month Guernsey Finance held its Guernsey Green Finance Launch presenting to a capacity audience of financial service professionals. Dr Andy Sloan hosted the event explaining the rationale and objectives of green and sustainable finance and two separate panels made up of members of the government, The International Stock Exchange (TISE), the regulator and representatives from legal firms also spoke.

Historically Guernsey has a significant number of funds and other businesses which already trade in a green and sustainable manner and as the importance of ethical investment has increased these products are welcomed. As a responsible global citizen Guernsey has joined the United Nation’s Finance Centre’s for Sustainability Network. The intention is to adapt to the increasing demand for green products, and through our dedicated initiative for green and sustainable finance meet those goals under the Guernsey Green Finance banner. Earlier this year Z/Yen, the publisher of the Global Financial Centres Index, singled Guernsey out as an emerging global player in green finance

Last year the Green Fund regulations were issued, allowing investors to invest with confidence and be assured that their investments have a positive environmental impact on the planet which are being monitored against internationally recognised criteria. This resulted in the world’s first regulated green investment fund, namely the Cibus Fund, a Vistra Guernsey-administered client, being the first to obtain the designation as a Green Fund. Further funds are expected to achieve this recognition as interest in obtaining the credibility of a regulatory wrapper to substantiate the fund’s green credentials increases.

In addition, there is currently consultation underway in respect of green insurance and TISE Green has been launched with a dedicated segment for Green investments on The International Stock Exchange, and not just limited to funds. From a risk perspective, with designation as a green product by the regulator, investors can be assured that meaningful accreditation is being awarded to their investments.

For more information on Guernsey’s Green Finance Initiative and how Vistra can help please click here.


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