Cross-border remote work action checklist

15 April 2021
Multinationals everywhere have embraced remote work, but the practice comes with risks, particularly if you pay workers across borders. With remote work, your organisation may trigger compliance obligations related to corporate tax, social security, work permits, insurance, data transfers and more. You may also need to revise your compensation and other policies.

Our checklist provides dozens of actions your organisation should take to lower the risks of cross-border remote work. Areas addressed include:

  • Human resources, including employment contracts, benefits, health and safety, and more
  • Tax, including permanent establishment, transfer pricing, corporate tax residency and more
  • Global mobility, including right to work, business travel, remote payrolls and more
  • Data protection, including network security, document storage, cybersecurity insurance and more

Download Vistra’s Cross-border remote work action checklist to lower your organisation's risks.

Please complete your details below to download:
