'Creating Value: BVI’s Global Contribution' – Capital Economics Report Released

5 July 2017

'Creating Value: BVI’s Global Contribution’ is a report commissioned by BVI Finance and undertaken by leading international economic consultancy, Capital Economics.

The report illustrates, for the first time, the significant contribution that the BVI makes to the global economy as a leading international finance centre. Some of the key findings are:

  • The BVI supports 2.2 million jobs globally;
  • BVI mediated investment contributes over US$15 billion in tax annually to governments all over the world;
  • The BVI facilitates over US$1.5 trillion of international investment;
  • The BVI is a sound and reliable centre that has worked harder than many bigger nations to meet international standards.

For the last seven years, respondents to Vistra’s annual market research, Vistra 2020, have ranked the BVI as one of the top jurisdictions of importance: although there have been some recent shifts, the BVI remains as ‘an embedded brand’ and still the go-to for most structuring conduits.

With more than 400,000 active BVI Business Companies, the BVI continues to be a trusted and active participant in the global financial system.

Please click here to download the Capital Economics report.
