Corporate restructuring in the UK: What you need to know now

27 April 2023
The UK and other economies continue to see rising inflation and interest rates, and both businesses and lenders are feeling the strain. Many companies, including those in the real estate sector, will experience restructuring situations, and in some cases, insolvency may be the only option.

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Restructuring can be complex, but it doesn’t have to be. Achievable solutions can involve the sale of assets to improve liquidity, replacing a management team with an interim team, creditors accepting a reduction in the debt owed, debt for equity swaps, and merging with a larger or more liquid firm.

In this webinar, our panel of experts from Addleshaw Goddard, FRP Advisory, PwC UK and Vistra will discuss the state of the corporate restructuring market today. They’ll explore the finer details of the UK restructuring market to provide real-life examples of how restructuring works. Here’s some of what they’ll address:

  • The details of corporate restructuring, including why firms restructure and what’s involved
  • The state of the restructuring market today, with an emphasis on the UK real estate market and its available structures
  • Important legal considerations when restructuring
  • Ongoing changes in the restructuring sector and what might lie ahead
  • Audience questions
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