Clive Wright talks to Business Brief about opportunities and challenges in Jersey

30 October 2019
Vistra Jersey has grown significantly in the last five years. Clive Wright, Managing Director of Vistra Jersey, recently shared with Business Brief his views of the business and the industry overall.
Clive T Wright - Managing Director, Jersey

Clive joined Vistra Jersey in January 2019 and has quickly developed a strategic focus on doubling the business by 2025 while not losing sight of its customers and maintaining the same level of service excellence and expertise. 

Clive’s priority is to get the structure of the business right and that includes creating career succession development plans for his people. He wants to enable an environment where people can constantly learn, share knowledge and experience. He also wants his team to have the ability to shape the business through the launch of a continuous process improvement program, which will, in turn, create a dynamic, customer-centric organisation.

On the business side, Clive sees opportunities from Asia, the Middle East and Latin America which are growing at a rapid speed, driven by entrepreneurial individuals and families within the private client sector. Jersey Private Fund vehicles are also gaining momentum, influenced by private monies or backers. 

He also shared that there is growth in the Channel Islands’ funds industry and praised Jersey’s transparent regulatory environment as well as the pro-active moves by Jersey Finance in looking for new markets and launching new products – all which make Jersey an attractive jurisdiction for businesses. 

Asked about the challenges the finance industry is facing, Clive pointed out that as business grows to a certain size of scale, it needs to balance investing in technology and platforms while ultimately also investing in people with more technical expertise. 

Read the full article or learn more about how Vistra can support your investments. 

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