The Changing Face of Global Real Estate

11 October 2019
As we enter Q4 2019, it seems an appropriate time to take stock of some of the key trends and issues affecting the real estate sector and examine what has happened in the year so far, and what we can expect in 2020.

It’s fair to say that we live in very interesting and somewhat uncertain times. Whether through a US-China tariff war or the broader uncertainties surrounding Brexit, a challenging geo-political landscape is having a far-reaching impact on the global economy.

At the same time, technology is pushing businesses to new heights – and to new limits. Not only is it changing the way in which we shop and ship goods, but the sheer weight of data being created is helping us make more effective decisions than ever before.

Sitting at the heart of this is the real estate sector, which continues to evolve rapidly and in ways that some of us may not have predicted a mere 12 months ago. Vistra Global Real Estate Trends is a series of articles written by our experts that examine trends from around the globe.

We have canvassed opinion on some of the major issues and trends that we have observed and those that we think will have an impact going forward. And we have put them together in this publication for your consideration.

We hope you enjoy the insights in this magazine and that they provide you with much food for thought.


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