BVI Update - Post Hurricane Irma

15 September 2017

Whilst the situation in the BVI remains very serious, there are positive and improving developments.

Without question, our first priority is to our staff and their families, ensuring they are safe and have the appropriate levels of support. We are fortunate that all of our colleagues in the BVI are safe and well. We are however discussing relocating some staff and especially those with young families, temporarily, whilst the current situation is resolved.

We are in the process of getting our BVI office fully operational. Fortunately, there was minimal impact on our office and we could instigate our recovery procedures immediately. All client data, in hard and soft copy, remains safely stored. Working with local suppliers, we aim to have facilities such as network power, water and communications fully established very soon.

Via our global network, we have been able to provide a range of BVI services throughout the whole period. The BVI Government and Financial Services Commission have also ensured that the VIRRGIN online company registry system is back up and running. Whilst there continues to be some disruption to services and a degree of understandable back-log, our international teams are continuing to work with clients to ensure a continuity of service, including the incorporation of new BVI companies which recommenced earlier this week.

Vistra remains fully committed to the BVI. We continue to work with the local authorities and other global firms to provide support and assistance. Our operations in the Bahamas are back up and running. Our operations in Anguilla, whilst suffering a similar impact to the BVI, are also able to operate fully in conjunction with our global network.

If you would like to contribute to relief efforts, there are a number of humanitarian agencies and official options including the BVI Hurricane Irma Relief Fund, a BVI Government endorsed fund raising account. Vistra and many other firms are participating in this and other initiatives to ensure that we are playing our part in supporting the BVI and its people in their time of need.

Should you require any further updates or assistance whilst the BVI office remains closed, please contact your account manager outside of the BVI, or contact [email protected]
